Thursday, November 13, 2008

Moving Along...

First, I have to comment on the election. Although not everyone shares the same view, I am so happy that Obama was elected. It was very exciting to watch the results as a family and was easy for Ruby to follow. We made it a very big deal - how cool for Ruby to experience such a historical election year her first year in America. I hope it is something she will always remember. Now I'm just kicking myself in the butt (BIG time!!!!) that we didn't attend any of the Obama rallies in Colorado...*I'm sooo stupid!*

Ruby loves second hand stores like her mommy. We came across this steal for $2.50. She has already decided that it is her Christmas dress - she looks so beautiful.

1 comment:

Andrea Nielsen said...

i too am thankful for the outcome of the election, much to some other's dismay. Your Ruby is beautiful. Lillie and I have found some fantastic clothes at the 2nd hand store too...gotta love em.