Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Last Post in China

I am using the hotel computer, so I won't be able to post any photos.

We made it to Guanzhou safely. It is much more hot and humid here, but the city is very nice. We are staying at the Victory Hotel, not the White Swan. The White Swan is more popular with adopting families. We are staying at the Victory because the rooms are bigger, there is a very nice computer in each room and it is less expensive. We really like the Victory. There are still many adoptive families staying here too and the free breakfast is very good. It is also very close the White Swan, so if you want the Red Couch photo - it is within walking distance.

Yesterday we had the good news of receiving Ruby's visa one day early. So, we went to the US consulate and had our oath taking ceremony with only a few other families. The adoptive family numbers were low yesterday so they bumped a few families up a day. Two guides said that adoptive family numbers are low now because of the low numbers of visas they are issuing due to the Olympics. I'm glad we were able to travel when we did because tourist visas are almost non-existent as well. This makes sight seeing destinations less busy :)

We were on a mission to find Ruby new shoes yesterday as well. Her sandals are too small and she has been very reluctant in letting us buy her new ones. While on our mission, we walked through a huge food market. I've never seen so many starfish, sea horses, rose buds, mushrooms and roots for sale in my life. All of these items were dehydrated, so there were 100's of these bags everywhere.

China in review - Logistically everything has gone very smoothly and in some cases much faster than expected. We couldn't have asked for anything better. Our guides have been terrific and so accommodating. Ruby is doing well and has taken to us more than the first week. Mike and Ruby joke around quite a bit now. Ruby is competitive just like her BaBa (father) and they have more in common than they realize! I look forward to seeing their relationship grow even more back home. Ruby looks to me for reassurance mentally and physically. Her English is also improving every day. I think she knows more than initially she led on. This morning she named almost all the body parts on her face and arms. We haven't taught her all these parts yet. Maybe she was holding back because she was embarrassed to speak or just didn't have an interest...or maybe even denial? We play Go Fish almost every night and it is great to see that she can just name the cards now and we don't have to show cards when asking for them. Ruby also says "Go Fitch" instead of "Fish" ....too cute! Her pronunciation will improve over time, but we just love her accent.

We'll post again after we are home.....USA - look out, here comes Ruby!

Happy July 4th!


Ashley said...

Have a great trip home! I've so loved following your journey. Can't wait to see more pictures of your beautiful Ruby!

Rosie said...

Its wonderful to see all the photos and follow your journey.Thank you.

Rosie said...

new blog concept at

Jen said...

I hope things are going well for you guys & Ruby is becoming comfortable at home. Can't wait to see how things are going. I wish we were able to spend more time with you guys in China.
