At least Ruby loved it :)
Ruby said hello to age 11 on December 5th. It was her first birthday party and she had a blast. All the kids were wonderful and so well behaved. Mike and I were impressed! This was a day Ruby has been counting down to since she first arrived home because birthdays aren't really celebrated in China. Ruby mentioned that her foster family celebrated her 9th birthday the last winter she was with them. They celebrated with a special dinner (no friends, party or gifts).
Now that Ruby is 11 it is amazing to see how fast she has grown. She has grown over an inch in the past 5 months. Her 6x and 7 size clothing don't fit her anymore. She can just barely wear 8's and fits best into 10's now. Ruby is becoming more socially mature and has phased out of several of her small child habits. She loves to talk on the phone with Mom and Dad and sometimes with relatives. This is a good sign that she is more confident about her English skills. We attended a Christmas party last night and Ruby had no problem starting conversations with people and introducing herself. She is using more and more complete sentences every day and is doing really well at sounding out words when reading. I'm so happy she loves books because this has really helped her interest in English. Another cool thing...Ruby really enjoys her adoption related books and is starting to ask more questions concerning her experience. I'm really glad we have many of these books because she chooses to read them at night with us and enjoys hearing other children's stories. It has made adoption seem much more common. It has also opened communication on other topics how babies are born, ideas on why birth mothers can't keep their babies, why are so many girls adopted from China, why people choose to adopt from China and why some countries don't have international adoption. I just love when she has so many questions about adoption. She is such a smart little girl!
hey guys!
it's ashleigh (of ashleigh, eric, and lydia)from the china trip. i love hearing about ruby and ya'lls adventures! she seems to be doing great. something funny, one of our friends here really wanted to adopt ruby! but they ended up with a little boy. small world. anyway, i was wondering what adoption books you have for ruby? we would love any ideas of good ones.
we hope you are all doing well! thanks for taking the time to keep us up to date with ruby's crazyness! : )
Happy Birthday Ruby! I think the cake looks great!
Happy Birthday, Ruby! I agree with Cara, I think you did a great job on Ruby's cake! I'm glad things are going so well.
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