Monday, March 12, 2007

Beautiful Blue

Today the weather was so amazing. It hasn't been this nice since late Oct/early Nov. The temperature was near 50 degrees and the kids were able to play outside at the club today. Who wouldn't love a game of football and bouchi ball. It was great to see blue skies all day and not a cloud in the sky. Today really put a perk in the week and reminds me of how much I love living in the mountains.

Our new home is coming along. The drywall guy started to hang the drywall today. Once that's complete and the walls are painted, the cabinets will be installed and the floor will go in. We will be in heaven soon. I can't wait. I just love the smell and feel of a new home.

We're eager to move out of the rental. It has been a warm (not really) place to stay, but is getting on our nerves. If we have water, it is rusty sometimes and the house smells funny upstairs. The previous renters had dogs that peed on the green shag carpet. It's pretty gross. So gross that if anything is on the carpet near the pee spots it soaks up the urine smell. Yuck!

Our new home will be welcomed way beyond our imaginations.......until then, we eat, work, eat, sleep and try to spend the weekends away from the rental!


M and M said...

I hope your house is finished soon!

I LOVED being outside today!! I am itching for spring to be here full force!

D & S said...

I hope you get to move into your new place soon. Shag carpeting with dog pee, I can see why you would want to give that up quickly.

Anthony & Crystal said...

Hope your new home is ready soon.....there is only so much shag carpeting and dog pee one person can stand!!!

With the official arrival of Spring, it is suppose to be beautiful this week here in Toronto, so I hope to spend some much needed time outside!

Rosie said...

Sounds lovely weather.Our weather in the UK has been minute snow!!